5 Stunning Destinations to see Rhinos in Africa

Rhinoceros are becoming increasingly rare in the wild due to poaching. World Wildlife Fund reports that only 27,000 rhinos remain in the wild.

With an astonishing 7,700 lbs of body weight and reaching heights of 6 feet and 11 feet, these fascinating animals are the second-largest land mammals on earth (second only to elephants).

Seeing rhinos in their natural habitat is truly extraordinary. There are 5 places where rhinos can be seen thanks to continuous efforts to protect this member of the Big Five.

1. Akagera National Park, Rwanda

Akagera National Park, is almost unrecognisable today compared to over 20 years ago when it was on the verge of being lost forever. The aftermath of the 1994 genocide had a devastating impact on the environment, making its story of revival even more remarkable.

2. Ol Pejeta Conservancy, Kenya

This is a not-for-profit conservation organization and the largest black rhino sanctuary in East Africa. The Conservancy has over 100 black rhinos, and the last two remaining northern white rhinos in the world – both females.

3. Save Valley Conservancy, Zimbabwe

The Conservancy is one of the largest private game reserves in Africa. Save Valley is home to many endangered species including black and white rhinos.

4. Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania

Tanzania has an estimated 80 rhinos and most can be seen in Ngorongoro. Ngorongoro Crater is the world’s largest unbroken caldera and a natural sanctuary for thousands of animals. This breathtaking area is one of the best places to see black rhinos.

5. Damaraland, Namibia

Damaraland is considered one of Namibia’s most picturesque areas. Trekking or game driving in this magical area will give you the opportunity to see rare black rhinos while admiring the stunning landscape.

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